Intend to Attend Brand

Intend to Attend is an initiative started by the University of Michigan that helps students navigate and explore various post-secondary education options. The brand needed to be strong enough to stand alone, but also work when paired with the University of Michigan brand. I presented a handful of concepts to the client and worked closely with them to finalize a logo that they felt embodied the program and appealed to their target audiences.

The I2A logo is based on an underlying grid to show structure and balance. It incorporates simple arrows to show upward movement and transition. Negative space between quadrants represent four different pathways/entry points, converging in the center. This speaks to access for students coming into the program from different backgrounds and pathways. The stacked blocks within the logo visualize the power of students building their own paths.

I developed brand guidelines to ensure consistency across deliverables as the program began to roll out. The guidelines include instruction on the usage of brand elements, such as logo usage, recommended color palettes, and typography.


California Made


OH! Font