LinkedIn Illustrations
While employed as a graphic designer at LinkedIn, they launched LinkedIn Learning, their online learning platform which enables people to discover and develop the professional skills they need through a personalized, data-driven learning experience. I was given the opportunity to create illustrations for the thumbnails used to represent course videos. I was a part of the team that developed the style guides which dictated, pixel by pixel, what the thumbnails should look like, making sure they supported the mission and professional style of the LinkedIn brand. Each thumbnail provides a visual representation of what the course is about. Many courses are very complex with multiple chapters and learning points for the users. Creating accurate illustrations required I gain a full understanding of the course content and expected course outcomes. I successfully translated hundreds of courses into unique, on-brand illustration images.

Working within an established color palette and illustration style, which I worked to develop, I created hundreds of illustrations to represent courses within the field of technology, business, and design.