Childhood Cancer Editorial Design
LSA Magazine is the alumni magazine of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan. For the Fall 2022 issue, I illustrated and designed the layout for the feature story The Undergraduates Who Are Battling a Mysterious Childhood Cancer. I wanted the illustrations for this story to have a youthful and playful feel but also represent the seriousness and complexity of DIPG. My designs incorporate children games, buildings on campus where this important work is being done, and research and imagery of students and objects in the lab setting. I choose a bright color palette and hand drawn elements and textures to maintain a hopeful and childlike feeling. This was an online story only so the images needed to work across various devices.

Each image was designed to help readers work their way through the story as they scrolled down the page. Generous space around the designs was created to allow for parallax features to be implemented on the website.